

PYRAGRAF's aim is to expand the variety of materials used and the technological approaches employed, with the aim of increasing the adoption of biochar and wood vinegar within the fertilizer and bio-pesticides market. This will be achieved by utilizing thermochemical methods in combination with solar energy in an innovative manner. The PYRAGRAF solution involves integrating concentrated solar energy into a mobile pyrolysis unit for biomass, enabling efficient and economical production of both biochar and wood vinegar.

Three main challenges were identified and targeted in this project:

  1. Decreasing the carbon footprint associated with agricultural and forestry practices by converting agricultural and forestry residues and waste materials into valuable resources.
  2. Strengthening the sustainability and resilience of agricultural and forestry activities by enhancing soil quality and overall biodiversity.
  3. Creating cost-effective approaches for producing renewable energy carriers in agriculture and forestry on a decentralized basis.

PYRAGRAF has outlined seven specific objectives, designed to address these key challenges:

  1. To select residues and waste from agriculture and forestry as feedstocks for the project and identify local supply chains
  2. To determine the optimal process parameters for waste feedstock pyrolysis
  3. To build and demonstrate the operation of a mobile, solar-assisted integrated pyrolysis unit
  4. To demonstrate the potential of biochar and wood vinegar for agriculture and forest applications
  5. To demonstrate the potential of pyrogas and bio-oil as value-added products in energy applications
  6. To validate the increased sustainability of PYRAGRAF's approach in the economic, environmental, and social domains
  7. To create business plans for the PYRAGRAF approach and identify potential market opportunities

© WIP Munich 2023 - 2025
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101114608. The information and views set out in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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